Here are some of the actions we’re taking to work with the Bluebook and other citation systems to adopt and recognize tribal governments and tribal law.
Forthcoming AALL Spectrum Article: Law Librarians for Indigenous Inclusive Citation.
This article explores the progress of Law Librarians for Indigenous Inclusive Citation initiatives in Fall 2022, including new scholarship and dialogue with legal citation manual editors.
AALL Presentation: 7/19/22: The Troubling Exclusion of Tribal Governments, Tribal Courts, Tribal Law, and Indigenous Law from the Bluebook
This panel, led by Indigenous law librarians, explores the omission of almost all tribal law from the Bluebook. It delves into the vast quantity of tribal law, the broad geographic areas under tribal law, and the millions of Americans affected. It will also discuss how and why the Bluebook could have excluded tribal law, given that the system of tribal law and policy has formally been a part of the American justice system since 1832, and that tribal law binds millions of citizens annually.
Letter(s) to the Bluebook Editor
The Bluebook encourages feedback for omissions, and notes: “If you have feedback or notice errors or omissions in Bluebook content or on the Bluebook Online site, please contact us at editor@legalbluebook.com.”
As concerned law librarians, we have submitted a letter summarizing our concerns about the exclusion of tribal law and tribal law from the Bluebook. If you’re interested in developments, please sign up for our campaign Twitter account (@cite_tribal_law) or shoot us an email on the Contact Us page.
Writing Projects
Interested in exploring this area more in scholarship? Please send us a message for collaboration!